Saturday, October 07, 2006


Gp 1 Day 20
As I am putting my four chunky monsters down for their morning nap, I am amazed at how well they have adapted to my routine. Of course, the routine is devised to take advantage of the natural ebb and flow of daily kitten energy. Their day goes something like this:
* Wake up and play in the Nursery until Mom gets up to let them out. Snack on kibble and water that was put out the night before.
* Dash out into the office when the Nursery door opens. Sometimes they get breakfast right away, and sometimes they play until "kitty kitty" calls them to breakfast.

* Morning play time, the most energetic time of the day, exploring the house and providing amusement for the big cats.
* When energy flags, a little lap cuddle time then nap in the Nursery, usually for several hours.
* Afternoon play time.
* Dinner.
* Antibiotics. (No more! The last dose was last night.)
* When activity level paradoxically increases interspersed with more frequent requests for hugs, it's time for bed in the Nursery.

My big cats sleep whenever and wherever they want to, but kittens need enforced quiet time. Otherwise they are like cranky toddlers, without the self-discipline to rest when they really need to. We have a very gratifying routine before the Nursery door is closed. First, I carry whomever is in my lap into the Nursery, and cuddle them while sitting by the tub. Any stragglers soon follow (Look! Mom's giving cuddles!) and I close the door. Sometimes a snack or drink is necessary, since it's there waiting. (Oh, yeah.) Then each gets a hug as I put him or her into the tub, still padded with towels and polartec blankies. What amazes me is that they plop over onto their sides, do a little grooming, and fall asleep.

I have two more naptime cuddles left. These kittens are due to return to the shelter tomorrow afternoon. Spay and neuter procedures will be Monday morning, and by Tuesday they'll probably be on the adoption floor, waiting for that perfect someone to choose them to take them home forever. I hope I have prepared them well.

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