I'm so sorry. The valiant Captain Jack didn't make it. After multiple enemas he still wasn't moving stool, so they put him under anesthesia to manually disimpact him. That didn't work, either. He had a pelvis fracture, which was displaced and blocking the hardened stool from exiting, as well as a fracture of the head of his femur on the good x-rays they were able to take under anesthesia.
There was really nothing else to do. You can't fix this kind of problem in a kitten. He was humanely euthanized while under anesthesia.
I will be forever amazed at what a kitten Jack was, doing all the things that kittens do with an unsuspected fractured pelvis and a broken leg. The only time he seemed to be in pain was when the stool stopped passing. Such a brave and loving little soul, and such a huge hole a little kitten leaves behind. I know I'm not the only one missing him.
I'm so sorry and saddened by the loss of your precious little Jack. I lost my 17 year old Cerise on Monday so I know the pain you are going through. We will light a candle for Jack tonight in his memory.
Oh, poor sweet little Jack. I like to think his soul will be reincarnated quickly into a new frisky little being with a little better luck.
I'm so sorry. Such a sweet guy.
I'm so sorry about Jack. What a brave little soul.
I'm so sorry to hear about Jack.
My heartfelt sympathies go out to you. I fell in love with Cap'n Jack from all the postings and pictures of him. You gave him a nice life as short as it was... I love the picture.
I wanna go home and give my lil Theo a great big hug...
I was so sorry to read about Jack.
He was such a special little guy.
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